
Peer-Reviewed Publications
  1. J. Arino, P.-Y. Boëlle, E. Milliken, S. Portet, (2021) Risk of COVID-19 variant importation - How useful are travel control measures? Infect. Dis. Model., 6: 875-897.

  2. L. Dickman, E. Milliken, Y. Kuang, (2020) Tumor control, elimination, and escape through a compartmental model of dendritic cell therapy for melanoma. SIAM J. Appl. Math., 80(2): 906-928.

  3. E. Milliken, (2019) Local approximation of population processes. Contemporary Research in Mathematical Biology. S. Cantrell, M. Martcheva, A. Nevai, S. Ruan, Z. Shuai, Eds. World Scientific.

  4. E. Milliken, (2019) Applications of the fundamental matrix to mean absorption and conditional mean absorption problems. Stat. Probabil. Lett., 151: 106-115.

  5. E. Milliken, (2019) Local approximation of Markov chains in time and space. J. Biol. Dyn., 13(sup1): 265-287.

  6. E. Milliken, (2017) The probability of extinction of ISAv in one and two patches. Bull. Math. Biol., 79(12): 2847-2864.

  7. E. Milliken, S.S. Pilyugin, (2016) A model of infectious salmon anemia virus with viral diffusion between wild and farmed patches. DCDS-B, 21(6): 1869-1893.

  8. S. Hayes, A. Hundemer, E. Milliken, T. Moulinos, (2015) The real dynamics of Bieberbach’s example. J. Geom. Anal., 25(4): 2386-2406.

Submitted Manuscripts